How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Kitchen Cabinets

how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests, and they can be a real nuisance. If you have a roach infestation or are just looking to prevent one, you definitely need to know how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets and other places in your home. In this guide, we’ll take you through the common types of cockroaches that may be present in your home, why they are attracted to your place, and what you can do to get rid of them once and for all.

There are a few things you can easily do to get rid of cockroaches in your kitchen cabinets yourself. First, make sure you clean your cabinets thoroughly. Cockroaches are attracted to food and grease, so if your cabinets are dirty, they’re more likely to be infested. Also, make sure all food is sealed tightly in containers because if there is food left out, they are more likely to come into your cabinets.

Next, seal up any cracks or crevices where cockroaches could be coming in. You may need to caulk or seal around your cabinets, baseboards, and other areas where they could be getting in. Finally, set out roach traps or baits to help kill the cockroaches. There are a variety of traps and baits available, so find one that works best for you. We have included a complete list of traps, baits and other treatments and remedies in this guide. However, if you have a serious infestation, you may need to call a pest control company to get rid of the cockroaches.

With a little effort, you can get rid of cockroaches in your kitchen cabinets and keep them from coming back. So let’s get started.

What Type of Cockroaches Are in My Home?

There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches in the world, but only a handful of those species are considered pests. Cockroaches are attracted to warm, humid environments and are often found in kitchens and bathrooms. They are scavengers and will eat just about anything, including other cockroaches. Cockroaches are also known to carry diseases and can trigger allergies in some people. 

The most common types of cockroaches found in homes in the US are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, the Brown-banded cockroach, the Oriental cockroach, and the Smokybrown cockroach. 

German Cockroach

Of the few cockroach species that infest homes, the German cockroach is the most common. It is also a major pest in other types of commercial establishments such as restaurants, food processing facilities, and hospitals. The German cockroaches are small, brown, and have flattened bodies with two dark stripes on their backs. They are attracted to food and moisture and can spread disease and cause allergies. 

German cockroaches are good climbers and can climb up smooth surfaces like walls, refrigerators, and kitchen cabinets. They are mainly active at night and are often seen running across floors or up walls. Since they are good at hiding, German cockroaches are one of the most difficult cockroach species to control.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach is the largest cockroach species in North America. It is also one of the most common cockroaches found in homes and apartments. These insects are dark brown or reddish brown in color and have flat, oval-shaped bodies with a light yellow band on their backs. They are about 1-2 inches in length and can live for up to 1 year.

American cockroaches are typically found in dark, moist areas such as basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. They are capable of flying but seldom do so. These pesky insects can spread disease-causing bacteria and can be a nuisance to homeowners.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach is a small species of cockroach, typically measuring between 7 to 10 mm in length. It is brown in color with two yellowish-brown bands running across its body, just behind the head. These cockroaches are commonly found in homes and other buildings throughout the United States. Although they are not considered to be a major pest, they can be a nuisance because of their tendency to invade homes in search of food and water. Brown-banded cockroaches are also known to spread bacteria and other harmful pathogens, which can pose serious health risks to humans.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach is a large species of cockroach, measuring up to 32mm in length. It is a shiny black color with a glossy sheen. The Oriental cockroach is also sometimes known as the waterbug due to its preference for damp habitats. It is commonly found in basements, sewers, drains, and other dark, moist areas. These cockroaches are capable of transmitting diseases and contaminating food and other surfaces.

Smokybrown Cockroach

Smokybrown cockroach is one of the most common cockroach species in the southern United States. It is a relatively large cockroach, measuring about 1.5 inches (38 mm) in length. It is dark brown to black in color, with a light brown band on its thorax and has a smooth, glossy body. The smokybrown cockroach is a strong flier and is attracted to light. Smoky brown cockroaches are often found near windows and doors. They are also attracted to food sources, such as kitchens and pantries.

What Attracts Roaches to My Home?

There are many reasons why cockroaches might be attracted to your home. Food, shelter, and water sources are the major culprits in inviting these pesky insects to your place. Roaches also like dark, damp, and warm places, so they may be attracted to your home if you have leaks or damp areas in your home or if it is dark and warm inside. Let’s find out in detail what might attract cockroaches to your home, especially your kitchen.

Food sources

Like us, cockroaches need food to live, and they will go where they can find it. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources, particularly those high in sugar and carbohydrates, because they provide them with the nutrients they need to survive. Cockroaches are often found in kitchens because that is where food is prepared and stored. 

Kitchen cabinets and pantries provide an ideal environment for cockroaches. These pests can smell food from far away, and if your food is not properly sealed, they will be able to find it. Cockroaches are also attracted to grease and crumbs on countertops and floors. Dirty dishes in the sink and leftover pet food are also easy food sources for them. 

Open trash cans can also invite cockroaches in because the garbage can provide them with ample food. That is why it is important to keep the garbage tightly sealed and take the trash out regularly, especially at night.


Cockroaches like to dwell in dark and warm places, so they often enter homes and kitchens to seek shelter. Kitchens have warm temperatures due to the stove and oven, so they are very attractive to roaches. Some perfect hiding places for cockroaches can be found in kitchen cabinets, behind or underneath large appliances, and under the sink. Even garbage cans and dumpsters can provide them with a good shelter to hide from light and predators.


Cockroaches are attracted to water for the same reason they are attracted to food – they need it to survive. Cockroaches can go for weeks without food, but they will only survive for a few days without water. Since these insects prefer warm, humid environments, they often congregate near water sources. Leaky pipes and kitchen faucets may attract cockroaches to your kitchen. To prevent cockroaches from entering your kitchen, you should ensure that there is no standing water.

Location and Conditions

Cockroaches are fond of warmth and moisture, so warm temperatures indoors or damp areas in your home can invite them in. Additionally, roaches are attracted to places that are cluttered or have a lot of hiding places, so if your home is cluttered, it may be attracting these pests. Make sure to keep your home clean, clutter-free, and well-ventilated.  

Unfortunately, some locations and conditions are naturally more appealing to cockroaches. Even the cleanest and most sanitary homes can have cracks or openings that cockroaches can use as entry points and start establishing themselves there. That is why it is important to seal even the tiniest of cracks or crevices.


Some people believe that cockroaches are attracted to certain chemicals, so if you use a lot of chemicals in your home, it may attract roaches. Cockroaches are also attracted to each other. Pheromones are chemicals that cockroaches use to communicate with each other and attract mates. When pheromones are present, cockroaches are more likely to be attracted to an area.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets Naturally

Borax Powder

Borax powder can be an effective solution if you are dealing with a cockroach problem. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral that is deadly to cockroaches. To use it, sprinkle the powder around the areas where cockroaches are seen or suspected. The powder will kill the cockroaches that come into contact with it.

You can also use borax powder to make a trap by putting some borax powder on a piece of cardboard and setting it where you’ve seen roaches. Alternatively, mix equal parts borax powder and sugar. Place the mixture in a dish and place it where cockroaches are commonly seen. The sugar will attract the cockroaches, and the borax powder will kill them.

Borax powder is safe to use around humans and pets, but it is important to keep it out of reach of children.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is one of the most effective ways to eliminate cockroaches. It is a naturally occurring substance that is poisonous to cockroaches. When cockroaches ingest boric acid, it interferes with their digestive system, and they eventually die. Boric acid is most effective when used as a powder or dust. It can be applied to cracks and crevices where cockroaches hide. It can also be mixed with food, especially sugar, to bait them. Once the cockroaches ingest the boric acid, they die within a few days.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-occurring sedimentary rock that is crumbled into a fine powder. It is made of fossilized remains of small aquatic creatures called diatoms. The abrasive and sharp edges of diatomaceous earth particles cut through the exoskeletons of cockroaches, causing them to dehydrate and die. To use diatomaceous earth to get rid of cockroaches, sprinkle it in areas where cockroaches are active.

Sugar and Baking Soda

You can do a few things to get rid of cockroaches using items you already have in your pantry. A mixture of baking soda and sugar can help to kill cockroaches quickly. Mix equal parts sugar and baking soda and place it in an area where you have seen cockroaches. The sugar will attract the cockroaches, while the baking soda will kill them. 

Don’t forget to check these areas regularly and replenish the mixture as necessary. This method is most effective when used in conjunction with other removal methods, such as sealing up cracks and crevices where cockroaches may be entering your home.

Dish Soap and Water Spray

Dish soap and water spray is a great DIY roach killer spray you can easily make at home. Mix one part dish soap with one part water in a spray bottle and mist the cockroaches with the solution. The dish soap will cause the cockroaches to suffocate. Be sure to spray in crevices and cracks where cockroaches like to hide. You can also use this solution to clean surfaces that have been infested with cockroaches.

Essential Oils

Several essential oils can be used to deter and kill cockroaches. These include neem oil, eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil, and peppermint oil. To make a cockroach repellent, mix 10 drops of one or more of these oils with 1 cup of water. Place this mixture in a spray bottle and spray around the areas where cockroaches are seen. You can also put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and place it in areas where cockroaches are likely to hide, such as under the sink or in kitchen cabinets.


Citrus is a natural cockroach repellent. To get rid of cockroaches using citrus, cut a lemon or an orange in half and place it cut-side up in an area where cockroaches are a problem. The citrus scent will repel the cockroaches, and they will eventually leave the area.


To get rid of cockroaches using eggshells, start by crushing the eggshells into a fine powder. Next, sprinkle the powder around the areas where cockroaches are likely to be found, such as in kitchen cabinets, under the sink, and in cracks and crevices. The eggshells will cut the cockroaches’ exoskeletons and dehydrate them, killing them within a few hours.

Bay Leaves

The effectiveness of bay leaves in repelling cockroaches and other insects is often under debate. It is traditionally believed that roaches cannot stand the scent of essential oils released by bay leaves. To use this method, you can either put the bay leaves directly in kitchen cabinets, cupboards, drawers, and any other places where cockroaches might be hiding. Or you can crush a few bay leaves into a powder and sprinkle the powder around the areas where you’ve seen cockroaches or think they might be hiding.

Some theories suggest that the smell of bay leaves is not strong enough to deter cockroaches, but it’s worth a shot.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets Using Chemicals and Other Treatments

Cockroach Killer Sprays

If you’re looking for an effective way to get rid of cockroaches, you may want to try using a cockroach killer spray. There are various products on the market, so be sure to read the labels carefully to find one that is right for your situation. You’ll most likely need to spray the product directly on the cockroaches to kill them. You may also need to spray in areas where cockroaches are likely to hide, such as kitchen cabinets, under appliances, and cracks and crevices.

  • Health and Safety: Be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully to avoid harming yourself or your family.

Cimexa Dust

Cimexa dust is insecticide dust that is effective against cockroaches. It is a contact killer, meaning that cockroaches must come into direct contact with the dust to be killed. The dust can be applied directly to roach-infested areas, like kitchen cabinets and drawers, cracks and crevices, behind appliances, and anywhere else that cockroaches may hide. Cimexa dust is also long-lasting, so it will continue to kill cockroaches long after it has been applied.

Aerosol Pesticide & Vacuum Cleaner

If you’re not a big fan of using regular cockroach killer sprays, you can go for an aerosol pesticide. It contains a cockroach-killing insecticide liquid or mist and pressurized gas to propel the insecticide with pressure when sprayed. It is a much safer, quicker, and more effective way to tackle the roach problem in your home.

To get rid of cockroaches using an aerosol pesticide and vacuum cleaner, follow these steps:

1. Purchase a good quality aerosol pesticide designed to kill cockroaches. An aerosol can with straw extension is best, as it can allow the pesticide to reach even the smallest cracks.

2. Read the instructions on the pesticide can carefully.

3. Spray the pesticide in areas where cockroaches are seen or suspected.

4. Be sure to spray in cracks and crevices and around baseboards, kitchen cabinets, and other areas where cockroaches like to hide.

5. As the roaches rush out of their hiding spots, quickly vacuum them up. You may want to have a partner do the vacuuming as you spray the pesticide because those pesky insects run out fast.

  • A vacuum with a HEPA filter is most suitable for this job because we don’t want our vacuum cleaner to be contaminated with the allergens carried by the cockroaches.

6. Also, vacuum up any dead cockroaches.

7. Empty the vacuum cleaner bag after each use and repeat the process as necessary.

  • Health and Safety: We recommend wearing gloves and a face mask while using this treatment method.

Flush and Vacuum

If you want to keep all sorts of pesticides out of your kitchen cabinets, you can replace the aerosol pesticide spray from the above method with a can of compressed air. Start by spraying the compressed air into cracks and crevices where cockroaches may be hiding. Then, use the vacuum cleaner to suck up cockroaches that scurry out. Repeat this process until all cockroaches are gone.

Liquid Concentrate

A very effective method to get rid of cockroaches is to use a liquid concentrate. This is a substance you can apply to surfaces where cockroaches have been seen or where they are likely to travel. The concentrated insecticide liquid will kill the cockroaches and prevent them from returning.

To get rid of cockroaches using liquid concentrate, mix the concentrate with water according to the package directions. Then, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and liberally spray areas where cockroaches are known to congregate, such as in cracks and crevices. Be sure to also spray around the perimeter of your home to create a barrier that will keep cockroaches from entering.

For best results, reapply the liquid concentrate every few weeks. You can even mop your floors with the diluted liquid concentrate.

  • Health and Safety: We don’t recommend this treatment method for homes with toddlers or pets, as the liquid concentrate may be hazardous to their health in case of accidental contact.

You can find liquid concentrates at most hardware stores, home improvement stores, or online.

Some Conventional Methods and Remedies that Work

Use Glue Traps to Identify Problem Areas

Glue traps are an effective way to get rid of cockroaches. They are easy to use and can be placed in areas where cockroaches are likely to travel. Glue traps work by catching the cockroaches in a sticky substance that they cannot escape from. Once the cockroach is stuck, it will die within a few days. Be sure to check the traps regularly and dispose of any cockroaches that have been caught.

Set Bait Stations

One of the most common ways to get rid of cockroaches is to set bait stations. Bait stations are small devices that contain a food source that attracts cockroaches. What the roaches don’t know is that it also contains a poisonous substance, mostly cockroach gel bait. Once the cockroaches enter the bait station, they cannot escape and eventually die.

Bait stations can be purchased from most hardware stores. Alternatively, you can make your own bait station using a small container, such as a plastic container with a lid. Drill a few small holes in the lid of the container, and then fill the container with a food source that will attract cockroaches, such as cereal, oatmeal, or bread crumbs.

Once your bait station is set up, place it in an area where you have seen cockroaches. Check the bait station regularly, and replenish the food source as needed.

Caulk all Entry Points

As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”, right? Whatever treatments and remedies you do to clear your kitchen of those pesky insects, they will be no good if new roaches are constantly entering your home.

To prevent cockroaches from entering your home, seal or caulk all entry points. This includes cracks and crevices in the walls, floors, ceilings, and around doors, windows, and pipes. Inspect your home regularly for any potential entry points and caulk them immediately. You may need to reapply caulk occasionally to maintain its effectiveness.

Last Resort: Pest Management Professional

If you’re dealing with a serious cockroach infestation and none of the DIY remedies make any difference, your best bet is to call a pest management professional (like Orkin or Terminix). Pest management professionals have the training and experience necessary to eliminate cockroaches effectively. So, they might be your best bet on how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets and any other hidden places in your home. Here’s what you can expect from the process:

They will first inspect your home to identify the source of the problem, i.e., where the cockroaches are coming from and what might be attracting them. Once they pinpoint the problem areas, they’ll develop a customized treatment plan. This may involve the use of baits, traps, and/or insecticides.

The good news is that with the help of professional pest management services, you can get rid of cockroaches for good. So if you’re dealing with a serious cockroach problem, don’t delay in calling a professional. They will be able to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem once and for all.

What About Roach Bombs?

A roach bomb is a canister containing insecticide that is designed to kill cockroaches. The canister or vessel is placed in the middle of a room and then activated, releasing a poisonous gas that kills the cockroaches. Roach bombs, also called “foggers,” are considered a very effective way of killing cockroaches, but they can also be dangerous to humans and pets if used incorrectly.

Since roach bombs or foggers are extremely toxic and flammable, we recommend avoiding them. If you have a cockroach infestation and safer, natural remedies aren’t working, it is best to call a professional exterminator.

Final Word: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

If you have cockroaches in your home, getting rid of them can be a challenge. Some people recommend using roach traps, while others swear by roach baits. You can also try a variety of home remedies we’ve covered in this article to repel cockroaches. Whatever method you choose, be sure to be persistent – it may take a few tries to get rid of all the cockroaches in your home.

We’ve tried our best to make this a complete and comprehensive guide on how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets and other places in your home. If you have any questions or would like to share something, please feel free to comment below. I would love to hear from you. Cheers!

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Erin Cox

Erin Cox

Hi, my name is Erin Cox and I am a food blogger turned kitchen/home enthusiast. Click here to read more about me.

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